ABOUT ME.          


“My career can be summarised as 90% entrepreneur and 10% employee. I have a curious, innovative and technology-driven approach to solving the myriad of challenges that industries face in shaping their innovation strategy”.

In 2021, I have been recognised as a thought leader in the industry. Referring to me as a “bold futurist”, I have been featured in local and international publications and won awards for innovation. I am the full time CEO at Laureti. Where necessary, I dedicate time to learn, network and consult with industry leaders across different sectors.

When I first started, I was an outsider to the auto industry. I imagined the role of transport of the future to be seamless from the user point of view. And I wanted to redefine mobility to be as personal and useful to users as the smartphone that has been indispensable in our daily lives. I started developing solutions by putting passengers at the centre of everything I was building. The result is MiRA.OS. Today, some top auto brands are following our lead.


Industries I follow: AI, Space, Robotics & Design

Industry associations: EU Tech, American Business Alliance, Mobility Alliance & EUMBM

Charitable causes I support: Mental Health for Entrepreneurs, Skill Development & Education

New Ventures: Shuler Generation Fund

Influencers: Howard HUGHES, Elon MUSK, Ratan TATA, Roy KROC & Steve JOBS.

“What Tesla has achieved is a matter of envy and a source of inspiration at the same time—with my resolve put to the test, a moment of epiphany presented itself. I knew what I was not seeing and, most importantly, what others were not seeing. Everyone is focused on the driver experience rather than on the passenger. Advancements in autonomous technologies, unproductive travel, increasing on-demand services, and declining car ownership pointed to one thing. For the last hundred years, cars have been about the driver. The next hundred will be about the passenger. The auto industry was yet to catch up on this paradigm.”

“Great products can thrive in poor markets, however, great ecosystems create great economies. The trillion dollar club is full of those examples. But in order to create a compelling ecosystem, innovation must take the centre stage of every organization”

Release: November 2024

Interviews & talks.